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Siblings Fight On Blake Street

Warrants have been taken on a 58-year-old Summerville man who threatened his sister Tuesday afternoon, according to a city police report.

Blake Street resident Kathy Carlene Pierce called cops after her brother, James Pierce, came to her house and threatened her. She told him to stop or she would call the cops.

“Go ahead and call them. I will bust your &^%$& brains out,” Pierce allegedly said.

The sister claims her brother then drew back to strike her and then grabbed for the cordless house phone which became disconnected with the 911 dispatcher during the scuffle. [The sister said] Mr. Pierce then picked up two cell phones which belonged to her and that he threw them onto the floor as she was attempting to make it to the bedroom in order to contact 911 for a second time,” Officer Tim Fulmer reported.

The brother then fled the area and she locked herself in her room until cops arrived. The officer took out an warrant against Mr. Pierce for interfering with a 911 call.